Lungyin Lim 林龍吟/簡歷


Award winning Film Director / Photographer / Cinematographer based in Fengyuan, TAIWAN. Feature film debut 'Ohong Village' has won the CIPUTTI Prize in the main competitions of 37th Torino Film Festival, and has entered the official competitions of International Filmfestival Mannheim-Heidelberg, Jeonju International Film Festival, and Taipei FF. His latest feature project “Malice“ was awarded the Bole Film Award at Golden Horse FPP, and has travelled to HAF, Talents Tokyo, among others. Lungyin also co--directed season two of the series “Island Nation“

Departing from his background in international politics, Lungyin commenced his studies in cinema directing at the national film school FAMU of the Czech Republic. His short film directing works were selected for official competition of Williamsburg International Film Festival, Ostrava Kamera Oko, Czech Dance For Film, and others. Works as cinematographer has been awarded Special Jury Prize of the Monaco International Charity Film Festival, and Best Feature at Twenty Festival, Taiwan.

As a crossover artist, Lungyin engaged in international reportage photography as well. Collaborated transmedia production Distant Echoes was honoured with the prestigious Tseng Hsu-Pai award for journalism, 4A Award, and was the official entry at the Excellent Journalism Award in Taiwan.

Lungyin co-founded TYDAL Production at his hometown Fengyuan in 2017. With this independent studio, he seeks to bring in a global perspective with grass root essence.



歷年執導作品獲紐約威廉斯堡國際影展競賽單元、捷克Ostrava Kamera Oko影展、捷克藝術與劇場協會三年作品選、台灣城市遊牧影展最佳MV;擔任攝影之共同作品,曾獲摩納哥國際慈善電影節評審團獎 、台灣貳零影展最佳劇情長片等。 


for corporate enquiries please refer to:

TYDAL Productions / 大島影像
18, Alley 16, Lane 134, Yuying Road, Fengyuan District, Taichung, TAIWAN
